$2k a Day Giveaway

From April 3-May 5, 2023 you’ll have a chance to win $1000 each weekday in the WNRV $2K a Day Giveaway! We’ll announce a unique keyword 4 times each weekday (9 AM, noon, 3 PM, 6 PM). You then click on the orange $2k a Day Giveaway icon (on left side of page) and enter the keyword to register for a chance to win one of two $1000 cash prizes. If you hear all 4 keywords and register each one that day then you have 4 chances to win $1000!

The WNRV $2K a Day Giveaway is brought to you by GearHead Junction in Pembroke and Smith’s Super-Aid Pharmacy in Rich Creek.

The full details for the 2023 $2K a Day Giveaway national contest are provided in the Contest Rules.