2011 Henry Reed Memorial Fiddlers Convention

The Ninth Annual Henry Reed Memorial Fiddlers Convention was held in Glen Lyn, VA on June 10-11, 2011. This festival honors the life and music of local old-time fiddler Henry Reed.

Friday’s activities began at 5 PM and featured the Reed Family Band, the Giles Mountain String Band, Katie and the Bubbatones, and Stanley Asbury and the Monroe-Floyd Connection. Individual and band competitions were held on Saturday. Alan Jabbour offered a 2-day fiddle workshop agian this year from 10-12 on Friday and Saturday morning.

WNRV was on-site and broadcast 12 hours of great live music from the festival. We broadcast 4 hours of the featured bands on Friday night and 8 hours of the individual and band competitions on Saturday. The competition winners are listed below.

More information on the festival is available at the Henry Reed Convention Facebook page. Contact Terry Reed if you have any questions about the festival.

WNRV partnered with the Henry Reed festival again in 2011 to offer a special combined advertising deal. New WNRV customers that took a full-page advertisement in the official Henry Reed festival booklet received a discount rate for their WNRV advertising. Contact WNRV to get details on how we can help you promote your group or business while supporting the local community.

Here is information for the 2010 Eighth Annual Henry Reed Memorial Fiddlers Convention. The 2010 T-shirts ($8) and program booklets ($1) are still available for purchase. Let us know if you are interested in getting either of these. Get yours while there are still some left!


Congratulations to all the 2011 Winners!

Old-Time Fiddle
1-Rebekah Bolt
2-Martha Poe
3-Carl Baron
4-Roy Clark Jr.
5-Bill Blevins
Old-Time Banjo
1-Danny Williby
2-Randy Rakes
3-Andy Sayers
4-Gary Holmgen
5-Anna Roberts-Gevalt
Old-Time Guitar
1-Clay Ferguson
2-Tom Wright
3-Tina Liza Jones
4-Tim Mills
5-Billy Cornette
Old-Time Mandolin
1-Charlie Ferguson
2-Dennis McKim
3-Lewis Prichard
4-Eric Root
5-Fred Prichard
Banjo-Fiddle Duet
1-Phil Bevins/Kay Bevins
2-Tina Liza Jones/Bill Blevins
3-Anna Roberts-Gevalt/Gailanne Amundsen
4-Liselotte Heil / Bob Pilch
5-Phyllis Gaskins/Jim Gaskins
Bluegrass Banjo
1-Tim Mills
2-Sam Bolt
3-Marc Maynard
Bluegrass Guitar
1-Tim Mills
2-Rick Hall
3-Cody Atkins
4-Howie Dowdy
5-Tyler Jones
Bluegrass Mandolin
1-Daniel Smith
2-Rick Hall
3-Joseph Macheet
4-Howie Dowdy
5-Clay Ferguson
Bluegrass Fiddle
1-Rebekah Bolt
2-Lucy Cochran
Folk Song
1-Danny Williby
2-Erica Greer
3-Howie Dowdy
4-Philip Bevins
5-Glenna Anderson
Youth Dance
1-Marshall Williby
2-Challa Phillips
3-Amber McCoy
4-Benji Williby
5-Christopher Via
Adult Dance
1-Danny Williby
2-Kathleen O’Connell
1-Clay Ferguson
2-Jeff Amundson
1-Eddie Ogle
1-Glenna Anderson
Bluegrass Band
1-Ramblin Grass
2-Bryan Goins and River Road
3-State Line
4-Another Pint
Old-time Band
1-Golden Palace String Band
2-Full Smack String Band
3-Slim Chance
4-Port Road String Band
5-Tower Street String Band